News dalla categoria Politica/attualità

JpegComing from the inner ring of SOCIETAS MAZZINI, you can be sure that we love England, the motherland of Thomas Carlyle and John Yarker, just to remember two great names among the circle Joseph Mazzini used to frequent during his exile in London. Notwithstanding, some of the position emerging by UK politicians about the referendum on the possibility for UK to exit from the European Union remind us also that there is also a populist way inside United Kingdom that believes a stingy strategy of “I don’t care for them” is the best way. To this part we say the door is open. Please do. Read more


0 # RE: Open letter to UK's Brothers and Sistersantonio piroso 2016-06-30 13:58
Ho già' chiesto a Crimi perche' USA l'inglese e non l'italiano senza avere risposta. Reiterò la domanda.
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