News dal Direttorio generale

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Davide Crimi, membro del Direttorio Generale del Movimento Roosevelt, visita oggi la sezione William Beveridge del Movimento Roosevelt Londra per presentare il suo libro ‘Mazzini Occulto’.

Mazzini, uno dei Padri della Patria, funzionò come cerniera tra il mondo anglosassone e l’Italia non ancora unificata portando nel Bel Paese le sue idee rivoluzionarie ed innovatrici per il futuro d’Italia e d’Europa.

In uno spirito di ammirazione e continuità con il lavoro di Mazzini, la sezione William Beveridge è orgogliosa di ricordare il personaggio e le idee che tanto influenzarono il Risorgimento italiano.

La riunione si terrà alle 18:30 presso la sala privata del Sutton Arms 6, Carthusian Street, EC1M 6EB (Barbican Tube Station)

We have the pleasure to announce that today Davide Crimi, esteemed member of the directory of the Roosevelt Movement, will join us and will present his book ‘Mazzini Occulto’ (Secret Mazzini).

Here a few words about his recent work:

The whole life of Giuseppe Mazzini was consecrated to people’s emancipation. Having this ideal as a polar star, Mazzini never agreed the methodology of marxist learning, which was based on the materialistic perspective. Mazzini was persuaded that materialism is a sad vision of the world, which oppresses the spirit and definitely works against the possibility of emancipation. Here I introduce a profile of the darker side of Mazzini’s thoughts and beliefs, together with an explanation of the sources and the meaning of his idea of Europe as a space of freedom and progress for each and every human being.”
We will meet on the first floor of the Sutton Arms 6, Carthusian Street, EC1M 6EB (Barbican Tube Station)

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