The Board of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) announced the expansion of the BIS Innovation Hub with the establishment of new Hub centres across Europe and in North America - in cooperation with member central banks.
Are these the premises for a upheaval in the international system of currencies ?
Are digigital monetary solutions democratic?
Are we going to witness the end of paper money?
We discuss about this topic with :
- Marie Helene Caillol, President of Laboratoire européen d'Anticipation Politique (www.leap2040.eu) and Publishing director of GEABbyLEAP (www.geab.eu)
- Marianne Ranke-Cormier, President of #CitizensRoute (https://www.franck-biancheri.eu/fr/?s=citizen+route)
- Marco Moiso, Supervisor Roosevelt Mouvement UK, vice president Movimento Roosevelt (www.movimentoroosevelt.com)
- Nino Galloni, Economist, President of Center of Monetary Studies (http://studimonetari.org), vice president Movimento Roosevelt
Invited host: Massimo Amato, Economist, Professor at Bocconi Milano (http://didattica.unibocconi.it/docenti/cv.php?rif=48662)
Host: Maria Zei, Supervisor Mouvement Roosevelt France (www.mouvementroosevelt.fr)
For references, please read: « BIS Innovation Hub to expand to new locations in Europe and North America » : https://www.bis.org/press/p200630a.htm
Link MRTV: https://youtu.be/FxrzeVnx4Wg